Tollview Management Group


Most Frequent Questions & Answers

An AMC is a professional organization that provides a wide range of services to associations and professional societies. AMCs can help with everything from administrative tasks and financial management to event planning and member engagement.

There are many benefits to working with an AMC, including:

  • Time savings: AMCs can free up your association’s time so that you can focus on your core mission.
  • Increased efficiency: AMCs have the expertise and resources to streamline your association’s operations and reduce inefficiencies.
  • Cost savings: By outsourcing tasks to an AMC, you can reduce your association’s overhead costs.
  • Access to expertise: AMCs have a team of experts with extensive experience in a wide range of areas, including finance, marketing, event planning, and more.
  • Improved member satisfaction: AMCs can help you to better meet the needs of your members by tracking member engagement and satisfaction

AMCs offer a wide range of services, depending on the needs of their clients. Some common services include:

  • Administrative support
  • Financial management
  • Membership management
  • Event planning
  • Marketing and communications
  • Education and training
  • Website development and maintenance
  • Technology support
  • Legal and compliance assistance

The process for working with an AMC typically involves the following steps:

  1. Contact the AMC to schedule a consultation.
  2. During the consultation, you will discuss your association’s needs and goals with the AMC.
  3. The AMC will develop a proposal outlining the services they will provide and their fees.
  4. Once you have reviewed and accepted the proposal, you will sign a contract with the AMC.
  5. The AMC will begin providing services to your association on the start date specified in the contract.

Your AMC should be a trusted partner that helps you to achieve your association’s goals. You should expect your AMC to be responsive to your needs, provide you with regular updates on their progress, and deliver high-quality services.

There are a number of ways to measure the success of your relationship with your AMC. For example, you can track the following metrics:

  • Member satisfaction
  • Event attendance
  • Website traffic
  • Financial performance

You should also meet with your AMC regularly to discuss your progress and identify areas where improvement is needed.

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TMG Mission

To provide comprehensive management services that enable associations to maximize their significance, serve their members, and create a positive impact in the communities they serve.